For the past 15 years, the Brandon PS has partnered with the Assiniboine Community College to provide an eight-month training course for men and women interested in a career in law enforcement. The program called "Public Safety" (formally known as "Police Studies") is a prerequisite for employment with BPS, and several other police agencies throughout Manitoba. Graduates from this program have been hired by police agencies across Canada including the RCMP and OPP. MFNP hired five graduates from our 2022/2023 class and all but two students from the 16 graduates are now serving a police agency in Canada.
As in years past, I had the honor and privilege of meeting the students on their second day of class in order to present police chaplaincy. At the outset, I asked for them to share one word in response to their perception of chaplaincy. The typical answers were religion, military, ministry, padre, and even hatred ... so the next hour was spent focusing on what we do in Canada as police chaplains - member care for officers and their families, encouraging overall wellness (body, soul and spirit), building resiliency, supporting strong moral and ethical values, inclusion and celebration of all faith beliefs, building relationships of trust and confidence, providing ceremonial services, and connecting additional resources for trauma victims. I shared about the importance of training and equipping chaplains to better prepare them to be able to respond to all the unique situations that present themselves within the police culture - the CPCA being one such valued source.
I can recall stepping into chaplaincy as a police officer with 25 years of policing experience but very little understanding of the role of the police chaplain. I continue to be thankful for the connections I've established with chaplains across Canada, and for the exceptional training the CPCA provides through the in person ATS and our new online Core courses. In a few months, I'll return to the college to commence several months of training specific to crime scenes and forensics. I'm thankful for the community partnership between the Assiniboine Community College and the Brandon PS working together to train and equip men and women for a challenging but rewarding career in law enforcement.
Warmest regards,
Constable/Chaplain Bruce Ewanyshyn - Brandon PS
CPCA President
ICPC Director of Region 1