Canadian Police Chaplain Association Constitution
Approved 2023-10 -19
The Canadian Police Chaplain Association (CPCA)
Section 1:
To serve those elected or appointed to serve as police chaplains of the several law enforcement agencies and associations in Canada.
Section 2:
To establish standards for police chaplain candidates in Canada and to ensure their maintenance and development.
Section 3:
To establish and staff seminars in Canada relating to chaplain training.
Section 4:
To encourage police authorities and associations to implement chaplaincy programs.
Section 5:
To establish and maintain a strong relationship with the International Conference of Police Chaplains for the promotion of police chaplaincy.
Section 6:
To support regional groups that operate in accordance with the Constitution of the CPCA.
Section 1: Membership
Membership in the Canadian Police Chaplain Association is open to individuals who are persons in good standing who provide evidence of appointment as a chaplain by a Law Enforcement Agency through a letter from their police service/agency. Application shall be accompanied by a character reference or, if applicable by a letter of reference from the religious body of which the applicant is a recognized leader.
Section 2: Liaison Officer
One employee of a police agency who is responsible for directing the agency's chaplaincy program may apply for membership with the same privileges as a chaplain member with the exception of voting or holding elected office.
Section 3: Retired Chaplain
A chaplain who has been a member of the Canadian Police Chaplain Association for at least five years prior to retirement and who retired as a member in good standing may apply for continued membership with the same privileges and opportunities afforded to active members.
Section 4: Honorary Member
An individual who through meritorious service or special interest in the Canadian Police Chaplain Association may be awarded the status of honorary member as bestowed by the organization upon recommendation of the Executive.
Section 5: Affiliate Member
An individual who has an interest in and is supportive of the objectives of the Canadian Police Chaplain Association who desires to affiliate with the association may apply to become an affiliate member. The affiliate member shall have the general privileges afforded to regular members but shall not be eligible to vote or hold elected office.
Section 6: Relocation
Chaplains who relocate outside the geographical region and no longer serve as an appointed chaplain may retain membership for five years beyond the current membership to afford time to re-establish appointment with another police service.
Section 1: Letter of Resignation
Membership in the Canadian Police Chaplain Association shall terminate when a letter of resignation is received by the secretary.
Section 2: Unpaid Dues
After two years of unpaid dues, the member’s name may be removed from the roster of members.
Section 3: Revocation for Cause
Membership may be revoked for cause that is likely to bring discredit to a police agency or the Canadian Police Chaplain Association. Action under this section will be taken by the Executive after having careful review of evidence delivered by another member or the police agency for which the member has served. The member whose membership is revoked under this section may appeal the action to the next Annual General Meeting.
Section 1: Annual Training Seminar
The Association shall hold Training Seminars on an annual basis, when possible, to provide training and to ensure continuation and growth. Such seminars shall be scheduled between the first week after Thanksgiving up to the first full week before Remembrance Day.
Section 2: Annual General Meeting
A general meeting shall be held each year to elect officers, to receive financial and other reports, and to conduct other business as necessary. If there is a Training Seminar the meeting shall be held at that time. If a Training Seminar is not held in a given year, the General meeting shall be held no later than the thirty first day of October and with thirty days notice having been sent to the membership.
Section 3: Officers
A president, first vice-president, second vice president, and secretary treasurer shall be elected every two years at the Annual Meeting. The president, first vice president and second vice president shall not be eligible to serve in their respective offices for more than two terms. The secretary treasurer may serve unlimited terms. The registrar shall be appointed by the Executive. These elected officers with the immediate past president and registrar shall form the Executive.
Section 4: Interim Vacancy
Should a vacancy in an office occur between annual meetings, the vacancy shall be filled by the next officer in rank succession. A president shall be replaced by the 1st vice-president and the 1st vice-president replaced by the 2nd vice- president. This is consistent with executive duties specified in Section 4: Duties of the Executive. The 2nd vice-president position will remain vacant until the next AGM when a vote will take place to elect a new 2nd vice-president. An election shall be held at the next Annual General Meeting to fill the unexpired term.
Section 5: Duties of the Executive
Shall direct the planning and activities of CPCA with the counsel and support of the Executive.
Shall preside over all meetings of the CPCA and shall call special meetings when required.
Shall appoint chairpersons of committees and where required appoint members to said committees.
Shall function as the official representative of the CPCA in activities of a public and promotional nature and report to the membership at the annual meeting.
Shall serve as the official liaison with law enforcement agencies and associations.
Shall serve as ex-officio member of all committees of the CPCA.
Shall take responsibility for recruiting and maintaining contact with police chaplains in Canada.
Immediate Past President
Shall provide continuity from their presidential term to the next Executive.
Shall provide guidance to the current president as requested.
Shall offer insight and wisdom on matters from past presidential experience as requested.
First Vice President
Shall assist the president in every way possible.
Should a vacancy occur in the office of president, the first vice president shall assume the responsibilities of president until the next election.
Shall perform any task requested by the president in achieving the goals of the CPCA.
Second Vice President
Shall assist the president and first vice president in every way possible.
Should a vacancy occur in the office of first vice president, the second vice president shall assume the responsibilities of the first vice president until the next election.
Secretary Treasurer
Shall provide oversight and safe keeping for all official documents and correspondence of the CPCA.
Shall record and keep the minutes of meetings of the CPCA including meetings of the Executive and the business sessions of the Annual Meetings.
Shall send all necessary notices, conduct correspondence with members, potential members, businesses and agencies which are involved in the functioning of the CPCA.
Shall provide a written report of the CPCA activities for presentation to the Annual meeting.
Shall handle the receipt and proper recording of all incoming monies, including dues, initiation fees and saleable items.
Shall pay all bills authorized by the Executive within the framework of the adopted budget, which includes writing of cheques and keeping of appropriate records.
Shall submit information to the Executive and membership to assist in planning for future budgets and current budget revisions.
Shall prepare appropriate financial reports and obtain an annual review of record; arrange for a review of financial statements when instructed by the Executive.
Shall keep records of all membership matters.
Shall send out annual notices for dues.
Shall receive dues and issue membership card.
Shall receive all applications for membership and forward them to the Executive for consideration.
Section 6: Nominating Committee
The CPCA Executive shall act as the nominating committee, calling on members to forward nominations for election to executive positions at the Annual General Meeting. Those nominated shall provide a resume at least thirty days prior to the AGM. For the position of President, any nominee shall have served at least one prior term as a member of the Executive.
The Executive shall be responsible for providing leadership and developing programs necessary to carry out the objectives and aims of the CPCA.
The Executive shall establish such committees as may be deemed necessary to further the aims and objectives of the CPCA.
Any group of CPCA chaplains from a clearly defined geographical sub region of Canada may apply for registration as a Regional Group.
Groups shall be clearly defined as to membership, purpose and region to be served and must have the approval of the Executive of the CPCA prior to establishment.
Each regional group would be designated as CPCA-(name) Region.
A region will be led by a Regional Director who is named and appointed by the President and Executive of the CPCA to whom they are accountable.
Regional directors will be identified with the leadership shown on the CPCA website.
The Regional director shall send a written report quarterly to the Executive. Regional director meetings will be encouraged at the discretion of the President.
Funds for operation of the group may be approved by the Executive after submission of an annual budget prior to the end of March in any given year. An annual financial report shall be submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer by the end of September each year.
A Regional Director shall have access to regional contact information on file with the Registrar.
Regional directors will be encouraged to submit names for general elections after consultation with group members.
A regional group may meet regularly for mutual support and training of the members and will function at all times in keeping with the aims and objectives of the CPCA.
Members of a regional group shall be encouraged to be members in good standing of the CPCA.
All training in a regional group towards Basic CPCA Credential requirements shall first have the approval of the Academic Standards Committee.
Section 1: Annual Dues
Annual dues shall be established by the Association at the Annual Meeting. The fiscal membership year will be January 1 through December 31st. Failure to pay said dues upon notice from the registrar shall result in said member being declared delinquent and shall be prohibited from participation or voting at any meeting of the Association.
Section 2: Unrenewed Dues
A member may be reinstated upon proper application to the registrar and such application shall be accompanied by payment of dues. Such reinstatement shall be subject to the approval of the Executive.
An Annual Meeting shall be held during the yearly training seminar.
Those members in good standing present at the Annual Meeting shall constitute a quorum.
The Constitution may be amended at any Annual Meeting by a vote of two thirds (2/3) of the members present and eligible to vote, provided notice of the proposed change has been sent to members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.
"Serving those who serve with excellence"
For a printable version of our constitution click here.