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Welcome to our Membership Renewal and Membership Application page. In order to enjoy all the benefits of the CPCA including full access to the website, voting privileges at our AGM, opportunities to serve on committees and in leadership, and to be considered a "member-in-good-standing", an annual fee is required. For details, please read on ...

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New "Full Member" Application Information & Form:


Membership is open to all who are involved in law enforcement chaplaincy whether full time, part time or volunteer. The CPCA Constitution Article 3 Section 1 - Membership, defines a "Full" Membership as follows: "Membership in the Canadian Police Chaplain Association is open to individuals who are persons in good standing who provide evidence of appointment as a chaplain by a Law Enforcement Agency through a letter from their police service/agency. Application shall be accompanied by a character reference or, if applicable by a letter of reference from the faith community of which the applicant is a recognized leader."  


Chaplains who wish to become a member of the CPCA must make application to the CPCA Registrar using the linked forms below. The following criteria is required for "Full" membership:


  1. Completed application form and membership fee;

  2. Written endorsement or letter of appointment from a senior officer of the law enforcement agency under which the chaplain is currently serving. If you are not currently serving a police agency, you do not qualify for a "Full Membership";

  3. Written character reference, or an endorsement from the faith community the chaplain is serving (if applicable).


To apply for a "Full" CPCA Membership, please click on this link for Instructions and the Application Form in English.


Pour faire une demande d’adhésion « complète » à l’ACIPR en français, veuillez cliquer sur ce lien pour obtenir les instructions et le formulaire de demande en français.


New "Affiliate Member" or "Liaison Officer" Application Information & Form:


An "Affiliate" or a "Liaison Officer" Membership, without voting privilege, is available to individuals interested in becoming a police chaplain in the future and/or are supportive of the objectives of the CPCA; or is a police chaplain serving outside Canada; or serves as law enforcement personnel. The application form to be used is the same as that for "Full" Members, and a granting of Affiliate or Liaison Officer is subject to the approval of the CPCA Executive. For a more detailed explanation of "Affiliate" or "Liaison Officer," please refer to our CPCA Constitution Article Three - Membership - Section Two and Section Five. Click on this link for the Application Form and Instructions. 


Retired Police Chaplain:


A Retired police chaplain who had membership with the CPCA for at least 5 years prior to retirement and who retired in good standing, may apply for continued membership with the same privileges and opportunities afforded to active members.


***By becoming a CPCA member, you agree to receive emails and correspondence from the CPCA***


New Member Payment Online: 


To submit online a new member payment, you must first complete the new member application form in English or French (see above "New Full Member Application Information and Form"). The completed form and reference letters must be mailed or emailed to the CPCA Registrar at


Once you have completed and mailed or emailed the application form and receive confirmation from our CPCA Registrar that you meet membership criteria, click on the "Annual Dues" box at the bottom of this page to make your payment. Cost for New Membership is $75/person (if paid prior to March 31), $90/person (after March 31).


If you do not want to pay for your new membership online, you may e-Transfer funds to OR you may mail a cheque made out to the "Canadian Police Chaplain Association" to: 

CPCA Secretary Treasurer
18 Moberly Crescent
Fort McMurray, AB
T9H 1G9

***please provide the reason for the payment e.g. new membership***


Membership Renewal/Annual Dues Online:


For past CPCA Members or current CPCA Members wanting to renew a membership online, click on "Annual Dues" box  immediately below this paragraph, and complete the required fields in English or French. Cost for a Renewal of Membership is $75/person (if paid prior to March 31), $90/person (after March 31). 


Annual Dues


$75 per member

Payment for CPCA Membership

Thanks for your membership!

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