Basic Credentials Program for Police Chaplains
One of the goals of the Canadian Police Chaplain Association (CPCA) as a professional organization is to provide a Credentials Program for police chaplains.
Basic Credentials would mean that anyone who holds it would have the minimum amount of basic training in key areas and fields that equip chaplains to be more effective and professional when dealing with the members of the policing community.
It was in February of 1982 at the FBI Academy that the idea of a certification program began. The then president of the International Conference of Police Chaplains (ICPC), Charlie Massey, appointed a committee under the chairmanship of Chaplain Dr. Howard Shockley of Asheville, North Carolina, to develop and establish such a program. Several years later the fruits of that meeting became a reality. The ICPC Basic program is now recognized in several colleges and police academies throughout the USA. CPCA then adopted a similar certification program that has since been developed into the current Credentials Program.
CPCA Credentials are open to all police chaplains whether they are members of the CPCA or not. However, there will be a cost of credentialing for those who are not members of the CPCA. Members of the CPCA will receive their credentials at no cost financially.
Training in these fields can be done anywhere. It does not have to be done through the CPCA or the ICPC. Many chaplains have CISD, CISM, R2MR, Suicide Intervention and other such applicable training in their backgrounds. There is no need to do it over again.
Chaplains will be asked to send copies of course outlines and/or transcripts taken in the past and documentation of other equally credible achievements so that they may be placed on file. When all course requirements are completed, a letter of recommendation for credentialing will be requested from the law enforcement agency being served.
For Basic Credentials, chaplains will have satisfactorily served a police agency for a minimum of two years, have the blessing of their faith authority they serve (if applicable), and have completed the requirements as outlined in our Education Standards Brochure. The course description for Basic Credentials can be downloaded here.