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Diversity and Sensitivity in Police Chaplaincy

  • 9 Steps


Our Law Enforcement members represent a diversity of worldviews, beliefs, values, religious and nonreligious ideologies, gender and gender preferences and life perspectives. It is essential that Chaplains be aware of how historical events shaped current perspectives; and to be aware and sensitive, ensuring that all people are treated equally, respectfully and without judgement and prejudice. This course will provide fundamental insights to build and foster a diverse, respectful, and sensitive workplace that is committed to supporting the Law Enforcement Agency and its members where you serve. After completing this course, learners will: 1. Identify, define, and address critical components of cultural and gender sensitivity and microaggressions. 2. Recognize how historical events have influenced today’s culture. 3. Model positive interactions with all peoples to cultivate a successful and safe work environment. 4. Demonstrate an understanding and respect for cultural and gender sensitivity and know how to interact effectively. 5. Recognize the challenges, the significance, and the strength of serving in a diverse environment. 6. Help build individual's capacity to understand, demonstrate empathy, show respect, and to provide equitable support to all members in Law Enforcement where you serve. 7. Determine if you have unconscious or implicit bias and are truly able to serve with sensitivity and without judgement in a diverse cultural and gender environment

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